Small Claims
Filing a Small Claim
You start a small claims case by filing an Affidavit and Claim. To start a small claims case you must know the correct name and address of the person or company you are suing.The filing fee for a small claims case depends on the amount requested. Right now the filing fees are $25 for claims up to $600, $45 for claims over $600 up to $1,750, and $65 for claims over $1,750 up to $5,500. In addition to the filing fee there is a fee for the court to serve the other party.
Before you file a small claims case you may want to try to settle the matter outside of court through direct negation or mediation.
Responding to a Small Claims
Case If you are sued in small claims court, it is important that you respond in writing by filing an Answer with the court and that you appear for the scheduled court date. If you do not file an Answer and appear, then you may lose the case and have an order to pay money (Money Judgment) entered against you.
You can hire an attorney who can remove the case from small claims court so the attorney can represent you. You can also try to reach a settlement with the person who sued you by talking with them or using mediation. If you reach an agreement you will want to put your agreement in writing (Order) and file it with the court. Remember to Answer and appear even if you also want to reach a settlement.
For Informational Purposes Only: This summary is provided for basic informational purposes only. It is not legal advice. For legal advice about your situation, you must talk to a lawyer.
Forms & Case Packets
- The Legal Assistance Center offers forms to file and answer a small claims case at no cost.
Additional Resources
- Michigan Legal Help offers articles and forms creation at no cost.
- The Grand Rapids Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service offers a 30 minute conference with a lawyer for $25. Call (616) 855-0273 for an appointment.
- Visit or call the Legal Assistance Center.