About Legal Assistance Center

How We Help

At the Legal Assistance Center we believe everyone is entitled to access to justice.  That means that everyone, regardless of resources, regardless of whether they can afford an attorney, is entitled to use the courts and solve legal problems.  Our Justice system belongs to all of us and must work for each of us.

We provide legal self-help services

At the Legal Assistance Center we help people help themselves by providing legal information, forms, guidance and resources to solve legal problems and use the courts. Although we do not give legal advice or provide representation, we provide meaningful, effective legal assistance.

Everyone is welcome

There are no income or other requirements. We can help both parties to a case.

Get the legal information you need

You can get legal information and learn about the court process.

We listen to you

We don’t give legal advice or representation. You choose the path that is right for you.

Most help is free

There is a low cost for copies and some case packets.  These funds support our services.

Information, resources and connections

If we don’t have what you need, we will help you find someone who does.

Will you help support access to justice?

Learn more about how your donation supports access to justice on our Donate page or donate by clicking the button below.